About us Ayrshire Hospice Board Professor Hazel Borland Hazel started in the NHS in 1984 as a nursing auxiliary and became a registered general nurse (RGN) in 1988 in Bolton, Lancashire. She joined NHS Tayside in 1991, becoming a Senior Charge Nurse in 1996 at Ninewells Hospital in Dundee. In 1999 Hazel became Clinical Governance Co-ordinator for the Acute Trust in NHS Tayside and in 2004 took up post as Head of Clinical Governance & Patient Safety at NHS Quality Improvement Scotland (predecessor organisation to Healthcare Improvement Scotland). Hazel was excited to be appointed Nurse Director in NHS Dumfries and Galloway in 2008. In 2016, she was delighted to take up post as Nurse Director in NHS Ayrshire & Arran, also becoming Deputy Chief Executive in August 2020. As Nurse Director Hazel was accountable for providing vision and direction to the nursing, midwifery and allied health professions workforce; leading the quality, patient safety and public protection agendas; and delivering on improvement for patients and families by listening to patient, carer and staff experiences. In June 2012, Hazel became a Health Foundation Fellow, completing an MSc in Leadership (Quality Improvement) in 2014 as a Generation Q Fellow; and in June 2013 was delighted to be appointed as Honorary Professor, School of Health and Nursing at the University of the West of Scotland. Between June 2021 – January 2022 Hazel was Interim Chief Executive for NHS Ayrshire & Arran, leading the organisation through a challenging time for patients, staff and families. In March 2022 Hazel retired from NHS Ayrshire & Arran welcoming the chance to enjoy time with family and friends. In August 2022 she was appointed as a trustee for the Queen’s Nursing Institute Scotland. Hazel is delighted and excited to join Ayrshire Hospice as a trustee. The Hospice is such an important organisation providing critical services for the population of Ayrshire & Arran. Manage Cookie Preferences