The Ayrshire Hospice is delighted with the results of its first Care Inspectorate inspection of its Respite and Response service which saw the organisation receive one ‘Excellent’ and three ‘Very Good’ gradings.

This evaluation marked the first assessment for the organisation since the registration of its Respite and Response service with the Care Inspectorate in 2022.

Ayrshire Hospice Chief Executive Tracy Flynn was delighted with the inspection’s findings. She said: “This report recognises the incredible work that our Respite and Response team delivers for our patients and their loved ones in their own homes.

“While it is unusual to receive an ‘Excellent’ grading at a first inspection, the Care Inspectorate has understood and recognised the true nature of the person-centred care that we deliver. I'm incredibly proud of our entire team. Their recognition with such a high grading is a testament to their skills, as well as the care and dedication they demonstrate in their daily work with patients and families across Ayrshire and Arran.”

“The findings in this report truly exemplify a service that the Ayrshire Hospice is rightly very proud of. Respite and Response is an invaluable service that provides a much-needed break for carers to allow them a couple of hours just for themselves, while we care for those they love.”

During the inspection, the Care Inspectorate interviewed service users and professional colleagues for their opinions and experience of Respite and Response.

The report recognised that “people accessing the service benefit from a skilled, knowledgeable and highly motivated team of staff who deliver compassionate and responsive care” and also that “staff demonstrate a strong commitment to the meaningful involvement of patients and their families in directing and leading their own care and support planning.”

The Ayrshire Hospice was reviewed and evaluated in:

How well do we support people’s wellbeing? 6 – Excellent

How good is our leadership? 5 – Very Good

How good is our staff team? 5 -Very Good

How well is our care and support planned? 5 – Very good.

One family member said: “I can't explain how good they were, they will reassure you but tell you the truth. I didn't have to worry any more. They took the pressure off and allowed me to concentrate on my relative.”

Professional colleagues who work with the Respite and Response team reported: “They are keen to know the person and their family and strive to be person-centred. They are so focused on the person and very caring and professional.”

The full report can be viewed on the Care Inspectorate’s website